Office management
Found in 793 Collections and/or Records:
Training - Legislative Director: BAM Narratives (2007 State of the Union, Iraq, and other issues), 2007 February 14
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training - Legislative Director: BAM Practices - Memos, Proxies, etc., 2003 - 2005
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training - Legislative Director: Bamming and Writing (Writing for BAM, general guidelines, Language Principles), Transition memo how to be BAM's Legislative Director), 2006 - 2008-06-30
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training - Legislative Director: Legislative Director (LD) Guide - Appropriations Training Guide Office of Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, and other training documents 2006-2013, 2006 - 2013
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training - Legislative Director: Office Procedure - monitoring the floor, Bammer Checklist, State Work Road Readiness and other training documents 1997-2006, 1997 - 2006
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training - Legislative Director: Personnel Policy Manual, Guidelines for Community Organization, Alphabetical List of Legislative Assignments and Issues, and other training documents, 2007 August 01
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training - Legislative Director: Training Documents 2012-2013, 2012 June 19-2013 January 07
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training Sessions 1993-1995, 1993 - 1995
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Training Syllabus for Logistics Coordinator 1994-2004 edits, 1994 - 2004
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Transition, 1987 - 1989
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Transition Lists: The Mikulski Method, State Work Road Readiness Checklists, and Executive Assistant's Manual - drafts, 1996 - 1998
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Transition Materials 2013-07-25, 2013 July 25
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Transition Materials for Deborah Moldover, 2011 August
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Transition - Robert C. Jones (RCJ), 1990
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Travel vouchers, 1982
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and Baltimore. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, and constituent correspondence.
Unanswered mail, 1994 December 05
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
United States Senate Security Manual, 2007 April
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
U.S. Senate Services Directory, 1987 September
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Veterans Leaders, 1987
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
VIP caller list, projects director job description, Policy and procedure manual, 1993
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Voicemail Messages and Requests - notebook, 2002 January-2002 August
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Voicemail Messages and Requests - notebook, 2002 April-2002 December
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
W. Mikulski Funeral Memo, 1987
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Washington County, 1987
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Website, 2000
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.