Found in 174 Collections and/or Records:
Political campaign buttons: Insure equality, undated
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: International Women's Year button - " form a more perfect union...", 1975
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Jane Wells Schooley for Congress pin, 1997
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Jobs equals Mondale, 1984
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Kennedy '80 buttons, 2 count, 1980
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Kennedy button, 1980
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: M. Van. - Quality thru team technology, undated
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: MADD, undated
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Make Policy, Not Coffee, undated
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Maryland National Organization for Women (NOW), undated
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Maryland state pin - celebrating Maryland's 350th anniversary, Maryland Retail Merchants Association, Inc., 1982
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Mayor Schaefer campaign buttons, 2 count, 1979
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: McGovern, 1972
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: McGovern-Shriver, 1972
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: McGovern-Shriver '72, 1972
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Mikulski 1st District City Council, 2 count, 1970
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Mikulski button, 1984
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Mikulski buttons, 2 count, 1986
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Mondale buttons, 4 count, varying designs and sizes, 1984
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Mondale-Ferraro, 5 count, varying designs and sizes, 1984
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Montgomery County Kennedy '80 worker, 1980
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: Ms. For Mo - Morris Udall campaign pin, 1976
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: National Congress of Neighborhood Women, 1974
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: National Organization for Women (NOW) - Women for Mondale, Mondale for Women, 2 count, 1984
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.
Political campaign buttons: National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, 1199E pin, undated
This subseries contains memorabilia given to or collected by Mikulski in connection with her political activities. Materials include political buttons and other campaign ephemera, thank-you notes, certificates, and other mementos of her time in office.